Bitumen Sprayer

Bitumen Sprayer

Our capious brand Bitumen sprayers, gives unbroken and specify quantity of bitumen or emulsion. These units can be supplied as a module to suit mounting on customer's truck chassis or can be supplied completely along with standard truck chassis.

  • Description

The unit has a built in heating system with a high capacity imported burner to heat the bitumen to the required temperature. Various fuel options as well as burner options are offered on specific requests. The Insulated Storage tank clad with Industrial gauge steel sheets built strictly to Industrial codes for storing, handling and transportation of Bitumen. The cladding is optionally available in a wide range of options ranging from Galvanized, Aluminium or Stainless steel sheets.

A unique pressure cleaning system is a standard, which cleans the system after use and avoids blockages at the end of days work.

Each unit comes loaded with a speed detection & driver control system, air compressor, diesel engine, High capacity positive displacement internal gear type asphalt pump, remote control station, hand spraying attachment.

The horizontally folding spray bar is supplied with a basic width of 2.4 Meter extendable up to 4.2 Meter. The Fully circulating spray bar can deliver bitumen at pressures ranging from 0- 6 kg/sq m. All units are supplied with an inbuilt bitumen charging / loading system. The bar is pneumatically operated and easily adjustable.

Complete range of Truck Mounted Bitumen Sprayer models with rated Capacities of 3000 to 12000 Litres.

Complete range of Trolley Mounted Bitumen / Emulsion Sprayer models with rated Capacities of 500 to 3000 Litres.

    Salient Features :

  • Fully - Insulated tank
  • Bitumen tank cladded with S.S. / G.I. sheet with Cera / Galss Wool.
  • Efficient air cooled diesel engine and positive displacement gear pump with lower fuel comsumption.
  • Designed as to suit standard truck chassis.
  • High efficiency heating system.
  • Safe and ease of operation.
  • Foldable Spraybar
  • Hand spray bar.
  • Unique pressure cleaning system.
  • Suitable for bitumen emulsion.
Bitumen Sprayer Various Models
The Bitumen Sprayer Consists Of
  1. Fully Insulated (Galvenised / S.S. Sheet) bitumen tank fitted with automatic burner for eating the bitumen at required temperature.
  2. Bitumen Pumping system comprising of positive displacement gear type bitumen pump, bitumen lines and valves.
  3. 25 H.P. Air cooled two cylinder Engine.
  4. Air Compressor.
  5. Foldable spray bar with basic width 2.5 mtrs. and extendable upto 4.2 mtrs. is fitted with pneumatically operated and easily adjustable nozzles placed at standard pitch of 225 mm. Spray bar delivers bitumen at pressure ranging from 0 - 6 kg/sqm
  6. Manual hand spraying attachment.
  7. Controls: The spraying system incorporates some of the best controls in terms of automation and operation as well as maintenance making the quipment very rugged, easy to use & maintain. Theautomation provided is based on the parameters of asphalt required per unit area for a given job and the required flow of asphalt is controlled automatically based on the speed of the truck.
  8. Cleaning system to avoid clogging after use.